Run far. Run fast. Run for fun.
Persistence Racing's mission, is to provide runners with an opportunity to push themselves to reach their full potential as runners, and people.
Neil McKay - Owner/Race Director
Neil lives in London, Ontario, Canada with his wife Haylie, and their two amazing daughters, Hadley, and Eleni.
He is an experienced mid-pack recreational runner (back of the pack trailrunner), who was inspired to take up running after watching his wife complete a half-marathon in 2011. Since then, he has completed races from 10 k, to 24 hours.
In August 2023, he completed his first 100 mile race at Happy Trails Racing's Foxtail Hundred, in the hopes of raising $12 000 for Children's Health Foundation. Neil runs in honour of his late son Jacob, and his two daughters.
The McKay family are a proud "Ambassador Family" for CHF, and have raised upwards of $25 000 for the Foundation.
Neil is excited to have you take part in Persistence Racing events!
If you'd like to support Neil's fundraising efforts, you may do so by clicking on the link below.
Neil's story has been featured in Canadian Running Magazine.

Neil's daughters cheering him to the finish of the That Dam Hill 12 hour race.
-photo credit: Haylie McKay

Almost home at The Bad Thing 50 km race.
-photo credit: The Bad Thing Trail Race